Mold Removal Fast And Easy 

24 HOUR SERVICE - CALL US AT 1-800-222-6815

When the unfortunate happens to you, and your family is faced with a disaster that can cause damage beyond anything ever imagined. We can assist you in you time of need. By employing the most talented and highly trained technitions to restore your home from any flooding or water damage that might have been caused due to freezing pipes or high amounts of rainfall. Flooded basements, if untreated by professionals, can cause mold issues and mold can cause severe health problems. Call us now and our curtious staff will assist you in helping you with what you need done.

You can reach us at 1-800 222-6815 if you are having any water, fire, smoke, sewage or mold problems!

Flooded Basement Tips

Basic Flooded Basement Prevention Tips

Most flooded basements are caused by natural flooding disasters coming from strong torrential rains which cause the overflowing of rivers and lakes near residential areas. Homeowners have no control over a natural flood and can only watch and hope that the flooding will not severely damage their homes or will not endanger the lives of their family and love ones. However, a flooded basement may also occur due to a number of reasons which can be controlled or prevented by homeowners. The following list shows the different causes of a flooded basement and their solutions:

(1) Cracks in the basement walls may cause water that is saturated in the ground to seep through and cause a flooded basement. If this is the case, then the best way to fix this is by caulking all the cracks in the walls. Finishing the basement by covering it with paint that has water sealant property is also a good practice.

(2) Old water pipes in the basement may burst and let water collect in the basement. The best way to prevent a flooded basement is to replace the old pipes with new ones.

(3) A flooded basement may also be caused by the wrong orientations of the downspouts which can cause the water to flow towards the home’s foundation walls instead of away from them. Redirecting the flow of water by the use of cement blocks or tiles usually works.

(4) Lawns which are uneven or has low areas may collect rain water that could enter the basement through cracks and basement windows. Fill low areas of the yard with soil to make the yard even.

(5) A poorly closed storm window can cause rain water to enter and flood the basement. Make sure that the storm windows are properly closed during strong rains. If necessary, apply a water sealant around the edges of the windows.

(6) Gutters that are clogged up can cause water to be redirected towards the basement. Make sure that there are no materials inside the gutters that can obstruct the flow of water. Cleaning the gutters regularly helps in preventing a flooded basement from happening.

(7) Sewage pipes and water drainage systems located underneath the house may swell up and the excess water flow out to cause a flooded basement. The best practice for this is not to pour viscous or gooey materials through the kitchen drains. Instead, throw them out inside garbage bags.

(8) Lawns that are sloping towards the house will naturally make rain water flow to the house instead of away from it. Dig out water pathways to redirect the flow of water away from the house and towards the street.

If the house is being frequented by a flooded basement, the best way to correct this is by tracking and assessing the cause of flooding. Installing a sump pit with a sump pump that will switch on automatically is a good investment in preventing a flooded basement from happening. If flooding still exists even after correcting all that has been listed above, then it’s time to shell out some money and hire an expert to renovate your basement.

Mold Removal Monmouth NJ,